If you want to make your online services securely and reliably available to your users with eHerkenning, you must choose an eHerkenning broker who will arrange the process of signing up to eHerkenning, and with whom you will enter into a contract.
This step-by-step plan will guide you through the main aspects of the sign-up process.
Step-by-step plan
Decide who within your organisation should be involved in the sign-up process. Carefully consider:
- policy holders
- architects
- your software supplier
Within the project group established in step 1, map out the following aspects:
- Which services do you wish to make accessible online via eHerkenning?
- How will you structure the back office and underlying (IT) processes?
- What do you need to do to make your current software ready for eHerkenning?
- How will you structure your internal communication and communication towards your users?
- You can ask one of the approved brokers for advice
It is up to you to decide on the level of assurance at which your services are to be made available online. You may offer a variety of different online services, each of which requires a different level of assurance.
eHerkenning offers you a choice of 3 different levels of assurance.
Read more about levels of assurance
Use the guidelines to choose the appropriate level of assurance.
An approved eHerkenning broker will help you sign up to eHerkenning. The various brokers differ in a number of respects. Therefore, make sure you ask several brokers for a quotation, and pay particular attention to the following:
- price (one-off/recurring)
- possibility for additional customisation and the level of support you need
- possibility of further SLA agreements
- existing contacts with your software supplier
Read more about approved brokers
You will arrange the technical aspects of signing up with your selected broker. Your broker will arrange the following on your behalf:
- Contact and harmonisation with your software supplier, as necessary.
- The technical structure, such as the standard interface for eHerkenning to underlying systems.
- Via the services catalogue guide, your broker will tell you which mandatory data you must supply for the services catalogue.
Together with the broker and your software supplier, test whether all the underlying systems, processes and procedures function correctly.
Inform on time
Inform your users about eHerkenning. Do this on time, well before you have switched to eHerkenning. After all, your clients will have to get used to a new login method, and apply for eHerkenning means. This may take your clients some time. Until they have an eHerkenning means, they will not be able to make use of your online services.
Internal customer service
Also within your organisation, make sure everyone is informed of all the developments and that your customer service is able to answer general questions about the use of eHerkenning.
Communication toolkit
Use the eHerkenning communication toolkit for your internal and external communication. Your broker will supply you with the toolkit. It also contains the mandatory communication messages and images to be used on your website, for your users. Click here for more information.